Guidance - Tiferes Bais Yaakov (2024)

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Seminaries in Israel

Ontario Colleges

Ontario Universities

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Seminary Scholarships

University Scholarships




Maya Charlat teaches grade nine parsha. A graduate of Tiferes Bais Yaakov, Maya went on to attend Michlalah Jerusalem College for two years. Upon returning to Toronto, Maya started a Bachelor’s of Biological Studies, at SUNY Empire State University, while devoting time to return to her high school as a teacher.

Miss Shayne Eisenstein joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov as one of the Grade 9 Chumash teachers. Miss Eisenstein also works at the Student Success Centre, helping students reach their full potential. Miss Eisenstein attended Tehilas Bais Yaakov seminary in Israel and returned with a passion for giving over a love of Torah to her students. She very much enjoys being part of the Tiferes staff!

Mrs. Tamar Wise joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov as staff in 2021. A dean’s list student and winner of several bursaries and writing awards, Mrs. Wise is currently completing an Honours Bachelor’s degree in history at York University. Mrs. Wise has worked with a variety of organizations and institutions, including Yachad and The Hospital for Sick-kids, as well, she previously worked as a teacher’s assistant at an elementary school in Yerushalayim. These experiences have equipped Mrs. Wise to connect with her students and truly invest in them and their academic potential. Mrs. Wise is excited to help her students grow and contribute to their success.

Mrs. Aliza Welkovics is a proud alumna of Tiferes Bais Yaakov. Since her graduation, she has returned for the second time to teach. Mrs. Welkovics has completed her bachelor of science major in nutrition and minor in psychology from Ryerson University. She is currently completing her master’s in counselling psychology and is excited to incorporate what she learns into her SAP lessons. During her time away from Tiferes, she taught at the Jewish day school in London, Ontario.

Mrs. Heather Hendel joined Tiferes this year to teach Grade 9, Grade 11 Enlish and Journals. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.A. in English and Northwestern University with an M.S. in Secondary English Education. Prior to moving to Toronto this past summer, she lived in Manhattan and taught high school English in Queens, New York, for the past twenty years and middle school for two years in Long Island, NY. She enjoys helping her students foster their public speaking, performance and creativity skills in the classroom.

Mrs. Libby Seliger has been working as secretary at Tiferes Bais Yaakov since the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. Mrs. Seliger works with the Principals of Tiferes Bais Yaakov and takes care of organizing administrative tasks associated with the front office. She is a former student of Beth Jacob High School and attended Gateshead Seminary where she graduated after three years with a teacher’s diploma. She has taught sixth and Eighth grade Language Arts and History and has done fundraising work for local institutions. After getting married, Mrs. Seliger lived in Baltimore, London UK and moved back to Toronto in 2008.

Mrs. Moran Sabbah teaches Safa, Kesuvim and Navi. She spent five years in Jerusalem training as an outreach professional through the renowned Ner L’elef program, as well as the Aish HaTorah women’s outreach program.As our grade 11 Mechaneches, Mrs. Sabbah is dedicated to inspiring and contributing to her student’s success.

Mrs. Yocheved Leibovitch joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2022 to teach Science 9 and 10. She has previous high school teaching experience from Bais Chomesh in Toronto; and post-secondary certificate-level teaching experience from Edmonton, Alberta, where she delivered coursework in physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, bioenergetics, and health coaching for over eight years. Mrs. Leibovitch earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Kinetics from the University of British Columbia and is a Board Certified Registered Holistic Nutritionist. As a Registered Kinesiologist, Mrs. Leibovitch worked in multiple physical therapy locations and created numerous workshops. She is a current provider of Health and Wellness Coaching for a large Canadian EAP but enjoys the classroom environment where learning comes to life.

Mrs. Elisheva Lander has been working in Jewish education for the past 15 years. Along with her husband, she founded an Aish campus outreach program at Western University in London, Ontario and has been involved with both NCSY and the Olami Souled virtual learning program. Mrs. Lander has been teaching at Bais Yaakov Elementary School since 2019. She is excited to be joining the TBY team teaching Grade 9 Parsha.

Mrs. Devorah Jonas is currently teaching visual arts at Tiferes Bais Yaakov. An alumna of one of the school’s earliest graduating classes, she has previously held the positions of assistant art teacher and maternity leave art teacher within the school. Mrs. Jonas holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from York University and has spent a decade working within the family law system in various capacities. Mrs. Jonas graduated from the Seneca College Law Clerk program with honours. Mrs. Jonas is keen to help each of her students foster their creativity in a manner that feels uniquely suited to their sense of self-expression, individuality, and avodas Hashem.

Ms. Karen Gal teaches Grade 10 English at Tiferes Bais Yaakov. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from York University in Toronto and a Master’s degree from Medaille College in Buffalo, New York. Ms. Gal obtained her principal certification from the University of Toronto (OISE) and completed additional qualifications in special education, history, and mathematics.Prior to joining the school, Ms. Gal was the principal of a supplementary Jewish high school with campuses located in Toronto and the GTA.In addition to her role at Tiferes, Ms. Gal currently teaches middle school English and social studies and serves as an occasional teacher for the Toronto District School Board. Ms. Gal is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers.

Miss. Bruchie Friedberg is the afternoon secretary. After going to Tehilas Bais Yaakov seminary in Israel, she taught as a grade 6 science and math teacher at Bais Yaakov. Miss. Friedberg’s role is to ensure that tasks in the front office are completed with diligence and care. She is the first contact for parents, students, faculty and guests with whatever they may need.

Mrs. Fraidy Mandel is the Rebbetzin of the Thornhill Woods Shul (in partnership with Aish Toronto). Mrs. Mandel is passionate about teaching and sharing the Torah in a relatable, fun, and meaningful way. She has been teaching girls and women for 18 years in New York, Israel, and Toronto. She’s also led many Israel trips for unaffiliated women and designed follow-up programming for them. Her home is always open to the community, and she is excited and honoured to be a part of the TBY team!

Miss Batsheva Levin teaches Grade 10 applied science at Tiferes Bais Yaakov. After graduating from Bais Yaakov High School in Toronto, she went to Machon Raaya Seminary, where she received a diploma in teaching. Miss Levin graduated summa cum laude with a BSc in Science, Math, and Technology, majoring in Biology, from SUNY Empire State College. Miss Levin is excited to connect with her students and contribute to their success.

Rabbi Yisroel Lander learned in Yeshivas Aish HaTorah, where he received Semicha in 2011. In 2014, Rabbi Lander joined Kollel Oholei Yom Tov in Toronto. In addition to learning in the Kollel during the day, Rabbi Lander is the Rosh Chaburah of the night Kollel at Bais HaMedrash Zichron Yitzchak. As a posek in all areas of Halacha, Rabbi Lander is able to give clear and practical Halacha to TBY students.

Mrs. Orly Turtel has been involved in formal and informal Jewish education for more than two decades, teaching primarily, at the high school and post-seminary level. After attending Michlalah Seminary in Israel and then receiving a Bachelor’s of Science Degree from York University, she later completed her Masters in Jewish Education from the Azrieli Graduate School of Yeshiva University. Mrs. Turtel joined the Tiferes Bais Yaakov faculty in 2008, where she has taught various Limudei Kodesh courses and is currently teaching Grade 9 and 10 Navi.

Mrs. Esther Sonenberg joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2020 and teaches mathematics. She is also currently teaching math courses at Bnos Bais Yaakov High School. Mrs. Sonenberg has an Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Education from York University. Over the last 22 years, she has taught middle school and high school math and science courses in several schools in the Toronto Jewish Community, including Bais Yaakov High School, Bialik Hebrew Day School, Yeshivat Or Chaim, and Ulpanat Orot.

Mrs Chava Lexier has joined Tiferes Beis Yaakov this year and teaches Chumash and Navi. Originally from London, England, Mrs Lexier taught for several years in her alma mater, Tiferes High School of London, before moving to Israel, where she lived for eight years and was involved in student outreach with the Jeff Seidel Student Center and Ner L’elef. In 2018, she moved to the US and taught in Bais Yaakov Beth Yehudah Detroit before relocating to Toronto last year. She is excited to share her passion and love for Torah and Eretz Yisrael with the students of Tiferes Bais Yaakov.

Mrs. Shoshana Batt, an alumna of Tiferes Bais Yaakov, has joined the Tiferes staff as a Limudei Kodesh teacher. This year she will be teaching Bekius for Grades 9 and 10 and Chumash. She is also the Mechaneches for Grade 9. Previously, Mrs. Batt taught in Eitz Chaim Schools for two years following her graduation from York University. She holds a BEd and BA in psychology and is OCT certified. Mrs. Batt is passionate about giving over Torah to others creatively and engagingly and is excited to be back at Tiferes, a school that has earned a special place in her heart.

Mrs. Rebecca Young joined the Tiferes Staff in 2019. Mrs. Young does custom computer programming across numerous industries and has taught all levels of math. She graduated Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto. Mrs. Young is a proud parent of a TBY alumna.

Mr. Jason Young is teaching the Grade 12 Calculus & Vectors university-level course. Mr. Young is a licensed Professional Engineer with a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Young runs a forensic engineering consulting firm in Toronto and has taught five engineering courses at U of T over the past decade as a guest lecturer. Mr. Young regularly testifies in court across Canada as a forensic expert in collision investigation and mechanical engineering. Mr. Young is also a proud parent of a TBY Alumna and is thrilled to be joining the TBY faculty.

Esther Wunsch is a proud alumna of Tiferes Bais Yaakov and currently teaches Grade 10 English. She went to Me’or Bais Yaakov Seminary in Israel and returned the following year to complete her B.A. in Business. Miss Wunsch brings English to life and her students enjoy her dynamic classroom lessons.

Mrs. Sarah Sacks joined the Toronto community in 2019 after living in Eretz Yisrael for close to 6 years, where she was notably active in a prominent non-profit initiative. Mrs. Sacks is a graduate of Bais Yaakov of Monsey and Beth Jacob of Jerusalem Teacher’s Seminary. She holds a teacher’s certificate from BJJ as well as a Bachelor’s in Behavioral Science with an emphasis on education.

Rabbi Aaron Krongold is a native Torontonian. Following his studies at the University of Toronto, he had the tremendous privilege of living for 5 years in the Old City of Jerusalem, learning in Yeshivas Aish HaTorah. After moving back to Toronto in 2009, R’ Krongold has been blessed to have had the opportunity to continue his full-time studies for the past 12+ years at Kollel Ohalei Yom Tov, while simultaneously receiving hands-on tutelage from some of Toronto’s greatest Rabbinic leaders and authorities. During this time, he has taught at many different Torah institutions throughout the city. Rabbi Krongold greatly enjoys sharing the timeless lessons of the Torah’s wisdom and its down-to-earth relevance.

Yechiel Goldreich received a Masters degrees in Education from Yeshiva University and D’Youville College and is accredited with the Ontario College of Teachers. He has been teaching high school Math, Science, and Judaic Studies for many years.

Mrs. Randyl Gavert joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2012. Prior to becoming a teacher she worked in publishing for several years as a managing director for Bantam Doubleday Dell, as well as being an ESL teacher. Mrs. Gavert graduated from Stern College with a BA in English. Two of her daughters are graduates of Tiferes Bais Yaakov.

Mrs. Tzvia Eisenberg is a Limudei Kodesh and General Studies teacher at Tiferes. She has recently joined the student success center. Mrs. Tzvia Eisenberg taught in both private and public schools in Arizona and California. Upon returning to her native Toronto, she taught for local day schools in both Limudei Kodesh and General Studies at the elementary level. She also teaches Remedial and provides tutoring services. Mrs. Eisenberg holds a Bachelor of Sciences in Speech and Hearing and a Master of Education in Special Education from Arizona State University. She is certified in the Feuerstein Method of Instrumental Enrichment (Level 1) and draws upon this learning in her work with students. As part of her community involvement, she is a mentor with Partners in Torah.

Mrs. Pazit Shukroon has been with Tiferes Bais Yaakov since 2012 and is the Student Activities Coordinator. She also teaches a Hebrew Language course and a Chumash class. Mrs. Shukroon received her BA in Judaic Studies and Mathematics from the Teachers College of Bais Yaakov Scharansky in Tel Aviv, Israel. Following six years of teaching in Israel, at both the elementary and high school levels, Mrs. Shukroon moved with her family to Canada. Here she taught in a local day school for five years before joining the Tiferes Bais Yaakov family. In her role as Student Activities Coordinator, Mrs. Shukroon ensures that the students fulfill their Ministry of Education requirements for community service hours, coordinates Chesed activities, arranges Rosh Chodesh programs, plans Shabbatonim and liaises with outside organizations for all special programs. Her role is pivotal in promoting the values of Tiferes Bais Yaakov through Student Council and extracurricular activities.

Miss Aliza Shor is an alumna of TBY and joined as a staff member in 2018 teaching Grade 10 Academic Science. She is currently completing her Bachelors of Science in Nutrition and Food with a minor in Psychology at Ryerson University. She is passionate in teaching students biology, chemistry, and physics. Miss Shor has been involved with many chesed organizations – gaining relevant experiences in working with students with many differing abilities and exceptionalities. She worked as an occasional teacher at TBY in 2017 in both Chol and Limudei Kodesh subjects.

Mrs. Moran Sabbah teaches a Safa course and a Biur Tefillah class. Her first 5 years of marriage were spent in Jerusalem where she was trained as an outreach professional through the renowned Ner L’elef program, as well as the Aish HaTorah women’s outreach program.

Miss Tali Lasarow is a Tiferes Bais Yaakov alumna and joined as a staff member in 2018. She attended Michlalah Jerusalem College where she received a Jewish Studies Teaching Certificate and she has completed her degree in Kinesiology at York University. She has professional development training from the Azrieli Foundation on Holocaust Education. Miss Lasarow is passionate about preparing students for their future roles as leaders in the community and preparing them for their post-secondary pathways. In addition to her teaching role, Miss Lasarow also works in the Business Office at Tiferes.

Miss Ettel Dina Rubanowitz graduated from Bnos Bais Yaakov High School and then studied at Beth Jacob Jerusalem, earning her Teaching Certificate there. Miss Rubanowitz has taught both high school and elementary-level English, as well as Parsha, and is currently teaching Grade 9 Chumash.

Mrs. Hennie Zolty is a psychotherapist with a Master’s in Counselling Psychology. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Jewish Education from the Binah Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, and a Master’s in Special Education from Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In addition to working as the school therapist in Tiferes Bais Yaakov, she has a private practice where she provides counseling services for individuals, couples, and families. Previously, Mrs. Zolty taught Chumash, Jewish History, Math, Art, and English Literature in Various schools around the world and she currently teaches Grade 9 Art at Tiferes.

Mrs. Rivkah Housfater joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2018 teaching grade 12 Advanced Functions and Calculus. She has previous experience teaching Mathematics at the University of Toronto and Bais Chomesh. Mrs. Housfater has a Master’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Toronto, and a BA in Mathematics from the University of Glasgow in Scotland.

Mrs. Leah Handelsman graduated Bais Yaakov High School of Toronto in 2002. She then continued on to Israel where she learned at Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald’s Seminary, Me’ohr Bais Yaakov in Yerushalayim where she received her Teaching Certificate. She began studying for a BA in Education in 2003 and assisted in a Kindergarten class at T.T.T. during that time. She then moved to Waterbury, Connecticut where she taught Grades 1 and 2, while giving shiurim to the ladies of Connecticut for a couple years. Israel was Mrs. Handelsman’s next stop, where she continued to give shiurim to ladies on a variety of different topics. Upon her return to Toronto in 2010, she began teaching Chumash and Navi at TBY, and is now their Navi and Kesuvim teacher and the Grade 10 Mechaneches.

Miss Elisheva Gottlieb is currently teaching Chumash, Grade 10 Applied Science, and Grade 11 Math Essentials and has been with the school since 2017. As well, she is involved with the Student Success Team and works closely with individual students to develop strategies for their success in learning. After graduating from Bais Yaakov High School, she attended Tehilas Bais Yaakov Seminary in Yerushalayim for one year before completing her BA in Jewish Education from Talpiot College. Ms. Gottlieb is passionate about giving students of all abilities the tools for success.

Miss Gabi Froom is an alumna of TBY and joined as a staff member in 2017. She attended Bnos Sarah Teacher’s Seminary where she received her Teachers Certificate. Currently she is completing her BA in Psychology with a concentration in Education. Miss Froom runs the Chessed programs in school and teaches Grade 9 Halacha, Alt. Ed and SST classes.

Mrs. Shayna Breslow is a Tiferes Bais Yaakov alumna and feels honoured to have the opportunity to return in a teaching position. She attended Michlalah Jerusalem College where she received a Jewish Studies Teaching Certificate and then completed a BA in Psychology, a concurrent Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Masters of Education all from York University. She also earned an Additional Qualification in Special Education and is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers. Before joining the TBY team, she taught both Judaic and General studies at Eitz Chaim. She currently teaches Chumash, Safa, and Navi to various grades at Tiferes Bais Yaakov.

Mrs. Carah Babin joined the Tiferes Bais Yaakov staff in 2018. She has been teaching for over 15 years. Mrs. Babin has taught at the Art Gallery of Ontario, The Harbourfront Centre and Centennial College. She has developed a curriculum for the City of Toronto and was a guest artist at Mayfield School for the Arts. Mrs. Babin has a B.A. in Art and Psychology from York University and Post Graduate in Art Therapy from the Toronto Art Therapy Institute. Mrs. Babin is a Registered Psychotherapist and also holds a Graduate in Recreation Therapy from Centennial College. Mrs. Babin is passionate about incorporating technology into her teaching practices to enhance student engagement.

Mrs. Aura Woznica has been teaching at Tiferes since 2011. She currently teaches Nutrition & Health and Geography. She went to Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim for a year after high school. Upon her return, she received a Bachelor of Applied Science in Nutrition and Food from Ryerson University.

Dr. Sherri Wise received her B.A in English and French Literature from Queen’s University (Kingston) and her Master’s in Education from OISE/UToronto. In June 2017, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and now holds both an M.A and PhD in English from York University. Dr. Wise has taught English at the high school level since 1990 and served as General Studies Principal of Bnos Bais Yaakov from 2000 to 2005. She served as a Teaching Assistant at York for several years, teaching Writing and Shakespeare to undergraduates while working on her PhD. Dr. Wise joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2013 and is delighted to be teaching English.

Mrs. Shanie Warman joined the Tiferes Bais Yaakov staff in 2016. She taught and was a Rakezet at Michlalah Jerusalem College and Shaalvim for Women. She was the Assistant Director of Michlelet NCSY summer program. Mrs. Warman teaches Chumash and is the Grade 12 Mechaneches and Seminary Advisor at Tiferes Bais Yaakov.

Mrs. Orly Turtel attended Michlalah Seminary in Israel prior to returning to Toronto and receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree from York University and a Masters in Jewish Education from the Azrieli Graduate School in Yeshiva University. Mrs. Turtel joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2008 and enjoys teaching Chumash to her students.

Mrs. Shayne Train has been teaching Information Technology in Business (Computers) and Visual Art at Tiferes Bais Yaakov since September 2003. She is also the Coordinator of Educational Technology, a former Curriculum Leader and a member of the Professional Development and Health and Safety Committees. Mrs. Train is a certified Art, English and Special Education educator and she also holds a diploma in Computer Programming. Tiferes Bais Yaakov awarded her a Teacher of Excellence Award in 2010 for her volunteer commitment to the school in the areas of Technology Integration, Faculty Professional Development and working with special needs students. Mrs. Train has developed the school’s Resource Wiki and Staff website and recently been creating and facilitating our distance learning program and providing related tech assistance. Her particular areas of interest are Educational Technology, Art and Culinary Nutrition.

Miss Leah Sutton graduated from the Masters of Teaching program at the University of Toronto, with specializations in English and Drama. She has a passion for Shakespeare, and she wrote her Masters thesis on the Relevance of Shakespeare and his plays in the classroom. After graduating from CHAT, Miss Sutton completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, Literature, and Theatre at McGill University. In addition to teaching, she also loves theatre, and acts in plays and musicals around the city. She joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2017 teaching Grade 9 Geography and Grade 9 and 10 English. Previously, she has worked at Eitz Chaim, where she taught English and social studies, and Bialik Hebrew Day School.

Miss Aliza Silverberg graduated from York University in 2016 with a BA in History and a Bachelors of Education. She is certified in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior divisions, with teachable subjects in History and Social Sciences. Miss Silverberg joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2017 teaching Grade 9 English.

Mrs. Shani Sherman graduated with Honours from Prospect Park Bnos Leah High School, attended Darchei Binah Seminary in Israel, and then Queens College studying Nutrition/Dietetics. She started at Tiferes Bais Yaakov as a tutor in 2008 and began teaching Biology to Grade 11 and Chemistry to Grade 12 in 2010. Along with her time at Tiferes Bais Yaakov she also teaches the Bat Mitzvah program at Ahavat Yisrael Hebrew School, and has been tutoring since high school.

Mrs. Ruti Schochet has been teaching Chumash since 2011 at Tiferes Bais Yaakov. She is originally from Argentina and received her BA in Education from Michlelet Beth Rivka in Eretz Yisroel. Ruti has been teaching for over 16 years primarily in high school grades, first in Israel and then in Toronto.

Mrs. Fraidy Schachter is the General Studies Principal at Tiferes Bais Yaakov and has been an integral part of our staff since September 2017. Prior to becoming our General Studies Principal, Mrs. Schachter had more than a decade of experience teaching in various high school in Toronto. Mrs. Schachter combines her vision and passion for education together with her care and concern for the individual to form strong bonds with her students. She has taught both Math and Science courses to all grades on various academic levels and has a strong understanding of both General Studies curriculum and Ministry requirements. Her passion for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), is evident by her B.A. in both Chemistry and Physics through York University and Yeshiva University Stern College for Women, as well as holding a Moster’s degree in Physics from Hunter College, have helped her prepare her students for post-secondary success.

Mrs. Racheli Rudner is an experienced Navi teacher and sought after speaker in our community. Her certification, Bachelor’s Degree and teacher training took place in Yavneh Teacher’s Seminary in Cleveland, Ohio. She then taught Navi, Chumash and Hashkafa in Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov High School in Chicago. This was followed by five years of teaching in numerous seminaries in Israel. We are privileged to have Mrs. Rudner as part of our Limudei Kodesh staff since 2007.

Mrs. Adina Ribacoff is currently the Limudei Kodesh Principal at Tiferes Bais Yaakov and has been with the school since September 2005. Mrs. Ribacoff develops the Jewish Studies Curriculum and oversees its implementation on a day-to-day basis. She focuses on instilling and developing in the girls a positive spiritual and religious connection. Mrs. Ribacoff teaches Chumash and Kesuvim to Grade 12 and gives the girls the tools to build a proper foundation for their future homes. During the summer of 2013, Mrs. Ribacoff studied at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Principals’ Center. Mrs. Ribacoff lectures to women in the US and Canada on various topics and gives parenting and Shalom Bayis workshops. Her daughter Kimchit graduated from Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2013.

Rabbi Shmuel Pinto earned his Baccalaureate Degree from Eshel Yeshiva in France. He went on to study in Telshe Yeshiva, Cleveland, Heichal HaTorah Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, and in Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. Upon moving to Toronto in 2002, Rabbi Pinto attended Kollel Yismach Moshe for 5 years. He has served as the Rabbi of Magen David Sephardic Congregation for over 4 years. In 2013, Rabbi Pinto became a Rebbe at Bircas Shmuel Yeshiva. In 2016, he joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov and teaches Halacha to Grades 10 and 12.

Mrs. Ruty Pinto has been with Tiferes Bais Yaakov since 2011 and has really enjoyed teaching here. Born in France, Mrs. Pinto earned her Baccalaureate Degree from Tomer Devorah, France and then went on to study for three years in the Jewish Teachers Training College at Gateshead Seminary in England. Concurrently with her teacher’s training, Mrs. Pinto studied by correspondence through the University of Nancy, France and earned her DEUG in Linguistic English. Presently, Mrs. Pinto teaches Safa at Tiferes Bais Yaakov.

Mrs. Polina Nagla is the General Studies Principal at Tiferes Bais Yaakov and has been with the school since September 2014. Prior to joining Tiferes Bais Yaakov, Mrs. Nagla taught for the Toronto District School Board and taught English at Bnos Bais Yaakov. She holds an Honours Bachelor of Art History, a Bachelor of Education and is currently enrolled in the Master’s Dimension program with the Ontario Principal’s Council (OPC). She has earned her Principal’s Qualifications from OPC. In addition, she holds Specialist Qualifications in Guidance Education and History. She has additional qualifications in Special Education, Library, ESL, and Family Studies. As an advocate for teacher training and student achievement and well-being, Mrs. Nagla has been a leader on the Professional Development Committee and works closely with colleagues to develop workshops in the areas of mental health, student assessment, technology integration and pedagogy to enhance the curriculum and student achievement. Mrs. Nagla is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers and the Ontario Principal’s Council.

Mrs. Talia Nacson is an alumnus of TBY and joined as a staff member in 2016. She teaches Grade 9 Art and Grade 10 Applied Science. While completing a honours Bsc. in biology from York University, Mrs. Nacson has pursued further artistic training and has explored art education through her course in educational psychology. She has also received training in Supplemental Instruction (SI) through York university and has facilitated very successful SI programs for first and second year biology courses at York. Mrs. Nacson has taught Biology at Talpiot College and is a teacher for NCSY’s Torah High and an art teacher at Eitz Chaim Spring Farm.

Miss Ariella Morel completed her Master’s in Education from York University. She has a BA in Mathematics, a Bachelors of Education, I/S Division, and a Jewish Studies Certificate all from York University. Ms. Morel is a 2007 graduate of Tiferes Bais Yaakov and joined the staff in 2012. She teaches Grades 9, 10 and 11 Mathematics.

Mrs. Diana Melnick has been teaching at Tiferes Bais Yaakov since 2002. She received her “Morah L’Golah” teaching certificate from Midreshet HaRovah in 1999 and then completed her Honours BA at York University in Sociology and Mass Communication, followed by a Montessori Teacher’s Accreditation Certificate. Over the years at Tiferes Bais Yaakov, she has taught Chumash, Navi, Bekius, Halacha, and Safa. Mrs. Melnick developed the Davening Workshop Program together with Rabbi Leib Kelemen from Yerushalayim, which has been running at Tiferes Bais Yaakov for the past few years.

Miss Sarah Marmorstein joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2017 teaching Grade 9 and 10 Science. She has experience teaching Biology, Geography, Math and Science in Bais Chomesh and Bais Yaakov Elementary School. She received her BA in Science and is currently working on an MA in clinical counseling.

Mrs. Shira Lipner attended Michlelet Orot before receiving her Undergraduate Degree in Psychology from York University and her Masters in Child Study and Education from OISE/U of T. Mrs. Lipner taught at Associated Hebrew Schools before beginning her career at Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2003. She enjoys teaching Chumash, Biur Tefillah, Navi, and Halichos Bas Yisrael to different grades, as well as creating a monthly Yom Iyun for the entire school.

Mrs. Rusi Lifsh*tz joined Tiferes in 2016 and teaches subjects in Limudei Kodesh and General Studies. She has an Honors Bachelors of Science from Your University and a Major in Biology. She received her teacher’s certification from Michlalah Yerushalayim. Mrs. Lifsh*tz has previously taught Math, Science, Biology and Biochemistry in other schools.

Mrs. Lynn Lichtenstein, Student Success Centre Coordinator, accommodates or modifies course work whenever required, creates individualised programs and is there to listen whenever a student needs her. In her role as Guidance Counsellor, she advises students on course selection and post-secondary options. Mrs. Lichtenstein has been at TBY since 2008. She has degrees from York University and from OISE/ UofT in Special Education. Mrs. Lichtenstein taught in many schools in Toronto including Eitz Chaim, Bnei Akiva Schools, Bais Yaakov Elementary, and WillowWood before coming to Tiferes. Her daughter Shira graduated from Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2011 and her daughter in law, Daniella graduated in 2010.

Mrs. Tania Lebenfish joined Tiferes as staff member in Tiferes in 2017.She has a Bachelors of Arts and a Bachelors of Education from York University. Mrs. Lebenfish has previously taught in Business courses in other schools.

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Kulik was born in Brooklyn, New York and learned in Mir Yeshiva, Flatbush, in Brisk Yeshiva, Yerushalayim, and in Beth Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, New Jersey. Upon moving to Toronto, Rabbi Kulik learned for fifteen years in Kollel under the tutelage of HaRav Shlomo Miller. He has been teaching and lecturing on many Judaic topics to both adults and children, as well as being a practising congregational Rabbi for many years. Rabbi Kulik’s career at Tiferes Bais Yaakov began in 2012 and he has taught Halacha to Grades 11-12, Chumash and Parsha to Grade 9, and Jewish History to Grade 12.

Mrs. Natalie Katz joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2007. She currently teaches Grades 11 and 12 Physics. Prior to joining Tiferes Bais Yaakov, Mrs. Katz was an Executive Assistant at Zareinu, and worked for IBM Canada in their Software Development Team and in Services and Training. Mrs. Katz has a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Major in Software Engineering and Computer Science. In addition to her teaching role, Mrs. Katz works in the Finance Office at Tiferes Bais Yaakov.

Mrs. Tamar Juda is an alumnus of Tiferes Bais Yaakov (2008) and feels privileged to be returning to her alma mater as a math teacher. After graduating with a Bachelors of Science from Charter Oak College, she completed the Junior/ Intermediate Bachelors of Education program at Western University, with a special focus on mathematics. As a Grade 9 math teacher, she takes responsibility for teaching the Grade 9 Applied Math Ontario Curriculum.

Mrs. Ofra Gemara has taught for the past 35 years in Israel and Canada. She joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2015 teaching Navi to Grade 9 and Kesuvim to Grade 11. She studied at Orot Elkana Collage in Israel. Mrs. Gemara holds a teaching certificate for teaching Jewish studies and English at the secondary level from the Ministry of Education in Israel, and holds a B.Ed from Orot Israel College.

Mrs. Randyl Gavert joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2012 as a Grade 9 English teacher. Prior to becoming a teacher she worked in publishing for several years as a managing editor for Bantam Doubleday Dell, as well as being an ESL teacher. Mrs. Gavert graduated from Stern College with a BA in English. Two of her daughters are graduates of Tiferes Bais Yaakov.

Miss Gabi Froom is an alumna of TBY and joined as a staff member in 2017. She attended Bnos Sarah Teacher’s Seminary where she received her Teachers Certificate. Currently she is completing her BA in Psychology with a concentration in Education. Miss Froom runs the Chessed programs in school, teaches Grade 11 Workplace Math, Grade 9 Halacha, Alt. Ed and SST classes.

Mrs. Shayna Friedman is a Special Education Coordinator. She is available to implement our Special Needs Policies and to support students needing assistance in time management and organization of schoolwork. As a Special Education Coordinator, Mrs. Friedman accommodates or modifies course work whenever required, creates individualized programs and is there to listen whenever a student needs her. She is available to all students, not only those with identified learning need. Mrs. Friedman has been with the school since 2004, starting out as a tutor and providing assistance on exams. She then assumed her current position as Special Education Coordinator in 2006. Mrs. Friedman brings with her a Bachelor of Commerce in Computers from McGill University and previous experience teaching Computers to adults and to high school students. She then earned a Masters of Education from York University and Additional Qualifications in Special Education.

Miss Batya Feigenbaum is the Special Programs Coordinator, assisting and implementing extracurricular programs and student activities at Tiferes Bais Yaakov. She also produces and directs the biennial Tiferes Bais Yaakov original school production. Miss Feigenbaum teaches Bekius – General Torah Knowledge and focuses on the spiritual and religious development of the Tiferes girls. Miss Feigenbaum is a graduate of Me’ohr Bais Yaakov Teachers Seminary in Yerushalayim, and started working at Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2004.

Mrs. Rita Drutz has been teaching at Tiferes Bais Yaakov since 2000 and is currently the Social Science Curriculum Leader. In addition, she is the head of the Health and Safety committee. Throughout her teaching career, Mrs. Drutz has had the opportunity to teach both mothers and daughters of the Tiferes Bais Yaakov community. Prior to working at Tiferes Bais Yaakov, Mrs. Drutz taught Physical Education and Mathematics at Bais Yaakov High School from 1977-1980. She has an Honours BA in Physical and Health Education and a concurrent Bachelor’s Degree in Education from York University.

Dr. Jeremy Burt obtained his Bachelor of Science from Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan, and his Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of California in Berkeley, where he spent 5 years working as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the fields of Toxicology and Genomics. Dr. Burt has been teaching Grade 10 Science, Grades 11 and 12 Biology, Grade 11 Chemistry and Grade 11 Information and Communication Technology since 2013. Dr. Burt is also the Science Curriculum Leader. Dr. Burt has B.Ed. qualifications from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education (OISE), in Chemistry and Biology.

Mrs. Doris Bistricer is a native of Uruguay. She moved to Toronto in 1971 and attended Eitz Chaim Schools and subsequently, Bais Yaakov High School. After graduating from Michlalah Jerusalem College for Women with a degree in Pedagogy, she taught Grade 4 at Eitz Chaim and attended York University. She has been teaching at Tiferes Bais Yaakov, first Safa and then Navi, since the school’s inception in September 2000.

Mrs. Chayala Bistricer has been teaching various subjects in Limudei Kodesh at Tiferes Bais Yaakov since 2008. After graduating from Torah Academy for Girls in Far Rockaway, New York, she went to Bnos Chava Seminary, where she was trained and received a Teacher’s Diploma. From there, Mrs. Bistricer went to Touro College, where she completed a BA in Psychology with a concentration in Education.

Rabbi Yaakov Bell attended Gateshead Yeshiva in England for three years, followed by two years of study in Israel. Upon his return to London, he received a scholarship to Jews College, headed by chief Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Sacks, and began working on his degree in Jewish Studies while teaching part-time at his former school, Hasmonean. He received his BA from Jews College and then moved to Toronto where he became a mortgage broker. However, his desire to teach was compelling and he accepted a part-time position at Netivot Hatorah where he taught for almost 10 years. At the inception of Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2000, Rabbi Bell was invited to teach Halacha and has been with the school ever since.

Mrs. Chaya Rosenberg joined Tiferes Bais Yaakov in 2016 and teaches Data Management. Prior to this, she taught high school mathematics for 15 years in Alberta. Mrs. Rosenberg holds a BEd in Mathematics, a BSc in Biological Sciences and an RN diploma. Before embarking on her teaching career, Mrs. Rosenberg worked as an RN at the Hospital for Sick Children and spent several years as a Community Health Nurse in Canada’s Arctic.

Guidance - Tiferes Bais Yaakov (2024)


What is the dress code for Bais Yaakov? ›

Bais Yaakov students should reflect Torah values in their dress and general appearance, both in school and outside of school. UNIFORM POLICY: Only uniform blouses, sweaters, sweatshirts and skirts, may be worn in school. A uniform shirt must be worn under the sweatshirt and sweater.

What is the Bais Yaakov movement? ›

Bais Yaakov, started by Sarah Schenirer in post-World War I Kraków, was at the time a revolutionary approach to Jewish women's education. It has since achieved mainstream status within Orthodox Judaism, with branches located worldwide in every Jewish community with a significant population.

Where is Keser Chaya Seminary? ›

19 Reiness, Jerusalem, Israel

To navigate, press the arrow keys.

Why is it called Bais Yaakov? ›

The Kraków chapter of Agudah Israel, under the leadership of Rabbis Asher Shapiro, Moshe Deutscher (later an Agudah representative in the Polish Sejm), and Meir Heitner, takes on the financial responsibility for the school, and names it Bais Yaakov, after Exodus 19:3, “So shall you say to the House of Jacob,” which is ...

What is the dress code for Abi? ›

Conference attire for summer conferences is typically resort casual. Programs held in New York City are typically business attire. Below we've provided a list of our annual conferences to help you with packing.

What does bais mean in Hebrew? ›

Literally, beis means house and alludes to the focal point of holiness on earth – the Sanctuary or Holy Temple in Jerusalem; and to the house of man, which he can transform in to a miniature sanctuary.

What is Yaakov known for? ›

Jacob (Yaakov in Hebrew) is the third and final patriarch of the Jewish people. He was the son of Isaac and Rebecca, husband of Rachel and Leah (and Bilhah and Zilpah), and father of the 12 Tribes of Israel. He is famous for his dream of a ladder ascending to Heaven and for wrestling with an angel.

What is the national movement of Israel? ›

Zionism is the national movement espousing repatriation of Jews to their homeland - the Land of Israel - and the resumption of sovereign Jewish life there. Yearning for Zion and Jewish immigration continued throughout the long period of exile, following the Roman conquest and the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE.

Where is the largest seminary in the world? ›

Fuller Theological Seminary is a non-denominational / multi-denominational Evangelical Christian seminary in Pasadena, California, with regional campuses in the western United States. It is egalitarian in nature. Fuller has a student body of approximately 2,300 students from 90 countries and 110 denominations.

Is there a Mormon seminary? ›

Seminary is a worldwide, four-year religious educational program for youth ages 14 through 18. It is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but is open to teenagers of all faiths. In seminary, students and their teachers meet each weekday during the school year to study scripture.

What is the conservative seminary in Israel? ›

The Conservative Yeshiva is a co-educational institute for study of traditional Jewish texts in Jerusalem. The yeshiva was founded in 1995, is under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and is part of the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center.

Is there a dress code at Yeshiva University? ›

Female students are required to wear dresses or skirts that are knee length, and tops that have sleeves. Male students are required to wear pants and a shirt. The Dress Code is in effect in the academic buildings at all times.

What is the dress code for GHC? ›

No shorts, skirts, and/or dresses shorter than fingertip plus one inch. Any type of stretch pants including but not limited to: tights, leggings, yoga pants, etc. must be accompanied by a top and/or bottom (shorts/skirts) that is at minimum thumb length.

Is dress code biased? ›

In addition, the enforcement of dress codes is often discriminatory, as the GAO found. Educators who enforce them often unfairly target students of color, LGBTQ students, and girls. That's because a lot of school dress codes are gendered, and over 90 percent ban clothing worn predominantly by girls.

What is the dress code for observerships? ›

Business or business casual attire (dress pants, dress shirt and tie, close-toed shoes). Observers are expected to present themselves in a neat, polished and professional manner.


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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