Some natural remedies and practices may help to keep pH balance in the vagina, which is important to vaginal health. For example, higher pH levels (more alkaline rather than acidic) may make it more likely for you to have a yeast infection or chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection.
A lower pH is more acidic. The pH (potential hydrogen) level in your vagina should be slightly acidic, between 3.8 and 5.0. Normal flora or healthy bacteria in the vagina thrive when the pH level is balanced, but medications, diet, hormones, and lifestyle factors can disrupt the balance.Your healthcare provider can help you to decide which steps to take to improve vaginal pH levels.
Probiotics are part of the normal flora in the body, including the vagina. When they are out of balance, harmful bacteria or yeast can arise and cause an infection.
Lactobacilli are an example of helpful bacteria in the vagina’s flora. Lactic acid, produced by lactobacilli, creates an acidic environment that helps prevent harmful bacteria from growing.
Antibiotics are great for killing off bacteria that are making us sick. But did you know they can kill good bacteria in the process? As a result, the vaginal pH increases and becomes more alkaline, leaving a perfect environment for pathogens to grow. Bacteria can lead to bacterial vaginosis (BV). Fungus such as Candida albicans can cause a yeast infection.
Eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber is one of the best ways to keep probiotics at healthy levels. Probiotics occur naturally in fermented foods such as:
- Yogurt
- Pickles
- Kombucha (fermented tea)
- Kefir (fermented dairy drink)
- Buttermilk
- Sourdough bread
- Fermented sauerkraut
- Miso soup
If you are not getting enough probiotics in your diet, your healthcare provider may suggest oral supplements or vaginal suppositories. Keep in mind that more research is needed to understand whether these supplements are effective.
Effectiveness of Probiotics
Probiotics are considered safe and may offer benefits to improve overall health and balance vaginal pH levels. Research results have been mixed on how effective probiotics are.
Garlic is known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some studies suggest it can help fight off vaginal infections. When eaten as part of a healthy diet, garlic is generally safe. Oral garlic supplements are available. It’s best not to use garlic directly in or around the vagina.
Garlic Supplements
Check with your healthcare provider before taking garlic supplements. High amounts can increase the risk of bleeding and may interfere with the effectiveness of some medications.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Many people add apple cider vinegar to their health routine for its antibacterial and antifungal effects. You can drink diluted apple cider vinegar or take it as a supplement.
Direct use on the vagina, even diluted, is not recommended. It may be harmful to the vaginal tissue and pH balance.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water helps flush toxins and regulate the vagina’s ecosystem. Dehydration can lead to itching around the vagina or worsen yeast infections.
Have you seen bottles of alkaline water at the store and wondered if it’s better than regular water? Currently, there is no evidence that drinking alkaline water benefits vaginal health. The kidneys excrete any alkalinity gained in the body by drinking alkaline water, so it does not reach the vaginal microbiome. It’s best to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of pure water.
How Much Water Should You Drink?
Ideally, women should get about 2.7 liters, or 91 ounces, of water per day. Wondering if you are getting enough? Here are some signs you need more water:
- Feeling thirsty
- Yellow, dark yellow, or orange urine
- Overly tired
- Hungry often
- Flaky or dry skin
- Bad breath
Manage Stress
Stress increases cortisol, which disrupts the acid-base balance in the vagina. Some stressors are beyond our control, so managing them is the next best choice. Coping techniques include:
- Regular exercise
- Healthy diet
- Getting enough sleep
- Deep breathing
- Practicing enjoyable hobbies or activities
- Avoiding smoking
- Avoiding drugs
- Limited or no alcohol
Eat Less Sugar
Increased sugar in the body can lead to higher pH levels or fuel yeast growth. Avoid or limit excess sugar in foods and drinks such as:
- Alcohol
- Soda
- Refined bread or pasta
- Ice cream
- Candy
Natural Sugars in Fruit
Eating natural sugars from fruit is healthy in small portions (unless otherwise directed by your healthcare team). However, they still contain sugar and can affect vaginal pH. Make a note of how they affect your body and adjust accordingly.
Avoid Douching
Douching involves cleaning the inside of the vagina with water or a solution. Women often think they are supposed to douche. However, most healthcare providers do not recommend it because it can cause pH imbalances and disrupt the normal flora.
Douching may also worsen an infection by pushing the bacteria into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. This can lead to a serious health problem called pelvic inflammatory disease.
The Vagina Cleans Itself
The acidic environment, normal flora, and secretions keep the inside of the vagina clean. Secretions wash away blood, semen, and excess discharge. To keep the outside clean, just use warm water on the outer areas when bathing.
Wear Breathable, Cotton Underwear
Synthetic fabrics trap sweat and moisture, which allows bacteria and yeast to grow. Wearing breathable cotton underwear provides airflow. It’s also a good idea to change promptly after swimming or sweating to keep the area dry. Both reduce the risk of vaginal and urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Use Barrier Protection During Sex
Semen has a pH level between 7.1 and 8. Having unprotected sex briefly increases the pH of the vagina. An increased pH is helpful when trying to conceive a baby because it helps protect the sperm. Barriers such as condoms protect the vagina from exposure to the higher pH of semen.
Infections are a common cause of vaginal pH disruption. Symptoms of vaginal infections that can lead to imbalanced vaginal pH include:
- Redness, a rash, swelling, or itching around the vagina or labia
- Burning with urination or during sexual intercourse
- Strong, unpleasant odor or fishy smell
- Green, gray, or yellow vaginal discharge
- Chunky texture to discharge
These changes may be more noticeable after menstruation (period) or intercourse.
Atrophic vaginitis, or thinning of vaginal tissue, may also cause burning or discomfort. This is more common in perimenopausal or menopausal women due to decreased estrogen levels.
At-home vaginal pH tests are also referred to as feminine screening kits and are similar to those used in the doctor’s office. Some include litmus paper, while others use a vaginal swab. You collect the sample at home and then compare your results with an easy-to-read pH color chart.
Similar tests provide a report of your vaginal microbiome. However, they are packaged and sent to a lab.The values can mean:
- A pH above 4.5: pH levels above 4.5 may indicate that you have an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis. In this case, your healthcare provider will want to do an exam and possible testing to plan your course of treatment.
- A normal or slightly low pH: If you have itching, burning, or redness, and your pH is normal or slightly low, it could be a yeast infection. If you’ve had yeast infections, your healthcare provider may recommend trying an over-the-counter (OTC) medication.
Follow the directions for these at-home tests carefully to ensure accurate results. Many are invalid if they are done too soon after sexual intercourse or a menstrual cycle.
When to Call Your Healthcare Provider
Contact your healthcare provider if you have:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Abdominal or pelvic (lower belly between hips) pain
- Fever
- Tried home remedies, and symptoms did not resolve within a few days
- Noticed you are developing symptoms frequently
A healthy vagina has an acidic pH level that helps good bacteria (normal flora) thrive. Along with discharge, pH levels and normal flora keep the vagina clean and balanced.
At-home tests are available to test vaginal pH levels if you suspect they are unbalanced. Call a healthcare provider if you have a fever or pain. Call your provider if your discharge is green, gray, or yellow, has an unpleasant "fishy smell," or a chunky, cottage cheese consistency.
If symptoms are mild or you are waiting for an appointment, you can try a few things at home preventively. Call your provider if symptoms persist after a few days of home remedies or if they change or get worse.